Friday, 14 November 2014

Children in India

India is one of the youngest nations in the world and has more than 50% of its population under the age of 25. Unfortunately it is also a nation where illiteracy and poverty is widely spread due to various reasons (but the main reason is corruption). There is huge amount of income inequality in our country and the main sufferers of that are children of our country. Due to income inequality children born in low income families are underweight and suffer from moderate to severe growth stunting as a result of malnutrition. Yes, people don't even one square meal a day here. So for them first target is to earn the proper meal everyday. It's the basic need which is to be fulfilled first then everything else come. So these people send their children to earn rather than to school.

For those people education is like a dream as they can't fulfill the basic needs like food, shelter and clothing. In rural India poor people don't even have access to pure drinking water and proper sanitation facilities. In all these circumstances from where will they think of educating their children. So to eliminate the classroom hunger first you have to bring each and every child to classroom.

To bring each and every child to classroom following things should be done:

In rural India campaigns should be organised to make people understand the importance of education with the help of audio visual effects. Visual effects will create interest in the village people and it will become easy for them to understand that if their children are educated then they will earn much more. While in urban India not much effort will be required as the result of education is already in front of poor people. They are seeing it everyday but still awareness is required.

Child labour laws should be made stricter and punishments for those who are breaking these laws should be more severe. Both parents sending a child to work and the one who is taking work from a child should be punished severely. Elimination of child labour is the first step towards elimination of classroom hunger. Elimination of child labour will bring more and more children to classroom.

Third point is that government schools should not be established in a remote area. In villages or in cities schools should be established in such an area that children can reach there comfortably. School's should be constructed in such a way that children shouldn't like to go home or miss it for even a single day.

Last but not the least people should be made aware of that their children will get a meal in school. There main problem is that only they don't know whether they are going to get the food to eat or not. So if schools are giving one time meal to their child there is no problem for them to send their child to school.

In next blog we will see the steps taken by the government.

I am going to #BlogToFeedAChild with Akshaya Patra and BlogAdda.

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